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Three fantastic gift ideas

Are you still trying to find the perfect present for Valentine’s Day? I have some great tips for you!

People are weird sometimes. On Valentine’s Day, for example. That’s when they all get mad trying too find the perfect gift for their loved ones. And in the end, the chosen gift is usually flowers. Well, if you ask me, that’s neither original nor sustainable. You’re right, I am a dog, but I still have better ideas than they most people have. No, not dog treats, but three really cool things that you and your sweetheart can experience together when on ski holiday at our hotel in Kaprun. And since I’m super nice, I am happy to share my ideas with you:

Number one, my absolute favourite: breakfast in the mountain lift at Schmittenhöhe. You can choose between a luxurious breakfast with sparkling wine and finger food, or a sumptuous breakfast for an indulgent start to your day. A really cool experience!

Another great gift is a day of togetherness at Tauern Spa, my tip number two. Best of all? As our guest, entry is free of charge for you.

And that brings me to tip number three: Surprise your better half with a holiday at Lederer – for the both of you, of course. Our team will pamper you from arrival to departure.

Visit us. Be our guest. Be our Valentine.

Lederer Boutique Hotel
The Lederer Family // Salzburger Platz 4a
5710 Kaprun // Austria
VAT no.: ATU 63088018
T +43 6547/20050 // welcome@mylederer.at